c) Assistance to voluntary agencies for setting up and running non-formal education centers on 100 per cent basis and.b) Assistance to State governments for setting up and running non-formal education centers exclusively for girls on 90:10 basis.a) Assistance to State Governments for setting up and running non-formal centers (boys and girls) on 75:25 basis.Xii) Voluntary agencies will be encouraged to undertake projects of NFE, especially in areas where the formal school system is not able to meet the demands of UEE.ħ.5.2 It is proposed that in the revised scheme, the following financial pattern will be followed: Shramik Vidyapeeth and Voluntary agencies will be involved in this process. xi) Vocational and technical courses of wide variety will be provided for children and youth who pass out of the Non-Formal stream.This will form a part of the post literacy and continuing education programme of the district. x) In total literacy campaign districts follow-up programmes will be taken up for children in the age-group 9-14 to go beyond NLM literacy norms.ix) The NFE programme will be linked with the scheme of public libraries, Jana Shiksha Nilayams, etc.

Viii) Efforts will be made to link non-formal courses with the Open Schools. Vii) Arrangements will be made for testing of children in the NFE stream with reference to an equivalent stage in the formal system and specific instructions issued to facilitate lateral entry into the formal system for students of the NFE stream. Necessary administrative and management in-puts will be provided at the State and Districts levels. vi) Project administration will be strengthened for effective decentralization of management.v) Training responsibility will be shared by the project, District level institutions like DIETs, DRUs, State level institutions like SCERT, and National institutes like NCERT and NIEPA.Adequate training and re-orientation will be provided. iv) Training of NFE personnel, especially instructors, will be given top priority.Special efforts will be made to appoint women instructors wherever possible. Iii) The NFE instructors will be identified with the help of the community. ii) The community will be involved in the setting-up, and supervision of all NFE centers.i) Provision of NFE centers will be based on the Micro planning exercise carried out for UEE, NFE centers will invariably cater to the needs of children, especially girls, who are not able to or who cannot attend the formal school.7.5.1 In order to strengthen the NFE Scheme the following strategies will be adopted: